Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stan's Stuff: 1 to 1 Communications

Stan's Stuff: 1 to 1 Communications: "Want to learn more about a very effective way to talk to your clients 1 to 1? I can show you a way to market to your target audience and gen..."

1 to 1 Communications

Want to learn more about a very effective way to talk to your clients 1 to 1?
I can show you a way to market to your target audience and generate huge response rates.

Let's get past the cute name and graphics.....let's talk appropriate and direct content.
Let's customize each client contact to THEIR demographic profile!!

Let's talk!
Stan b

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Secret

What is the single most important quality in sales or business??

E-mail me @  or call me at 414.828.1813 and I will tell you. your response here to what you think it is......

stan b

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

AB Data

A B Data is a direct mail/marketing and transactional data mailing specialist

Secure and proper handling of the data is our biggest strength.

Turning the data into useable viable formats and then printing them is our core competency.

Over 30 years in the business of B to B, B to C and 1 to 1 communications is an impressive credential.

A B Data can help you with your mailing campaign in either a turn key operation or any portion of the project.

We can prepare your lists, files or any data you have into useable formats.

We can help you procure lists formatted to what ever criteria you might specify.

We can also execute the remainder of the project either thru printed media or electronic media.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Response Rates

The typical direct mail response rate is about 3%, let us show you haow to get 8% and more.

We just recently did a personalized direct mail peice for a product kickoff.
Even though we were late we acheived a 22% response rate at the event.
With telephone calls still coming in.

Ideas or comments?

stan b

Friday, July 30, 2010

Graph Expo

Anyone planning on attending?
A good class available on Trans-Promotional printing using a digital platform and VDP!!
My first blog post.
I will try to post on current events in our technology in regard to digital print and all things digital!

Welcome to the site and thanks for coming!

stan bullock